Chú thích Ieng_Sary

  1. RFI
  2. Anh&action=showarticle&art_id=7&needback=1 Ieng Sary's Brief Biography; Ieng Sary, Howard J. De Nike, John B. Quigley, Kenneth J. Robinson, Cambodia Tribunal Populaire Revolutionnaire, Helen Jarvis, Nereida Cross (2000). Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial from of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) (Hardcover). University of Pennsylvania Press. tr. 90. ISBN 0812235398
  3. Bora, Touch. “Jurisdictional and Definitional Issues”. Khmer Institute. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 11 năm 2007.